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On Gratitude

So… if you’ve been following along, you will know that I have been at a Master Your Power Within event that is being presented by Brandon Broadwater of Higher Laws.

There’s more content that I could possibly share in a blog post (of course, given that it’s five days total) but I was reminded about a very simple but powerful concept, which is Gratitude.

I am going to guess that if you are reading this, you could probably use a little more gratitude in your life – probably both giving and receiving (they work together you know – the more you give, the more you get – it’s like magic).

I know that some of you might be rolling your eyes as you read this, but I promise this process is worthwhile if you actually implement it… and if you have relationships that need nurturing, I encourage you to start with gratitude.

So, in this vein of gratitude, thank you for reading this post 🙂  As a thank you for reading all this way, I will include my gratitude exercise below… and a bonus video of my children doing their daily gratitude exercise, just for fun:

My Morning Gratitude Ritual


Step One

Wake up and write down FIVE or more people or things you are grateful for and why in your Gratitude Journal (which should be conveniently located near your bed.

Step Two

Tell at least one person why you are grateful for them in your life (think parents, partner, children) and tell them why you are grateful.

Step Three

Spread gratitude wherever you go, all day long!

Step Four

Repeat daily 🙂

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